Thursday, August 6, 2015

The 575 foot tall turbines proposed for Galloo Island are considerably taller than those on Wolfe Island, Canada, which are visible over 15 miles

Honorable Kathleen H. Burgess
Secretary of the Commission

New York State Public Service Commission
Empire State Plaza
Agency Building 3
Albany, NY 12223-1350
July 27, 2015

RE: Galloo Island Wind Project, Hounsfield, New York

Dear Ms. Burgess:
I am apart time resident of Chippewa Bay NY. I am writing to voice my objection to the
wind energy  project Hudson North Country Wind 1, LLC (Hudson Energy Development) has
proposed for Galloo Island, PSC Case 15-F-0327. These 575 foot tall turbines are
considerably taller than those on Wolfe Island, Canada, which are visible over 15 miles
away. The shorter turbines on Wolfe Island dominate the night sky over 15 miles away from
most of the town s views.

If you consult the Thousand Islands Regional Assessment Final Report (funded by the NY
Department of State) at  you will find the scenic resources that exist
along lake Ontario which would be affected by Hudson Energy Development's proposed
development’s proposed project.

Early traditions set a high standard for the safeguarding and overseeing the aesthetic  character of the landscape that has continued to return dividends over the years. New York State has long recognized
 the importance of scenic resources.

The New York State Legislature enacted New York State (NYS) Executive Law 42 to "achieve a balance between economic development and preservation that will permit the beneficial use of coastal resources while preventing the loss of living marine resources and wildlife diminution of open space areas or public access to the waterfront, shoreline erosion impairment of scenic beauty, or permanent damage to ecological systems." (Article 42 s law. I, The  laws Policy #24 encourages included scenic guarding character of scenic areas key coastal and discourages resource protected the by modification or destruction of geological forms, vegetation and structures that contribute to the scenic quality of these areas.

The blending of nature and culture in this region is unique and can be a guiding force as the region takes steps to promote and manage its scenic landscapes In the future. Today people live, visit, and invest in our area, in part, because of the spectacular scenery. Tourism in our region is an important part of our quality of life and of our economy. If scenic views are impaired, if large towers and tall buildings are built in inappropriate places, if wildlife habitat is damaged and the environment is degraded, the region's tourist-based economy and property values will suffer.

I respectfully ask that you oppose the wind energy project on Galloo Island proposed by Hudson Energy Development.  

Robert J. Pandina, Ph.D.
Chippewa Bay,NY

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