Friday, December 2, 2016

Where the Bully Winds Blow

New York governor Andrew Cuomo's renewable-energy plan will require forcing small towns to build turbines against their will.

Robert Bryce
December 01,2016

On the surface, the fight over renewable-energy siting in western New York looks hopelessly mismatched. Governor Andrew Cuomo—the scion of a Democratic political dynasty and the leader of a state with nearly 20 million residents—is pushing a scheme that will require the state’s utilities to derive 50 percent of their electricity from renewables by 2030. Cuomo’s highest-profile opponent is Dan Engert, the Republican supervisor in the Niagara County town of Somerset—population 2,700. Last year, Engert won a third term by garnering about 400 votes. So, yes, Cuomo versus Engert looks like a mismatch. But here’s a tip: don’t bet against Engert and his allies.  Continue reading via this link to CJ, City Journal

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